Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hohner 150th Anniversary Edition

When anyone thinks of harmonicas Hohner is the first brand that comes to mind. Blues musicians have forever had harmonicas to wail their sorrows for them. This campaign celebrates 150 years of heart-felt music.


Based off of of Edison's theory that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, the99percent.com focuses on the execution, not the inspiration.

Eddie Bauer

Victorinox Kitchen Knives

Louisville, KY

Wasco Skylights

Wasco makes custom skylights for residential homes.

Single Page

Single Page



NotifyMe is an iPhone application that pushes reminders from all calendars and applications.

Samsonite Black Label

Samsonite Black Label luggage competes with top brands like Louis Vuitton.

Dick's Sporting Goods

Sporting equipment allows the user to experience the evolutionary advantages that make certain animals better equipped for the user’s specific sport.


Single Page

Single Page


Monster Jam

Monster Jam comes through Atlanta once a year. This campaign highlights the emotional experience of attending a monster truck rally.

Outdoor Poster

Banner Ad

Outdoor Board